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  • Tutor of media center workshops in SAIC, teaching photo and video cameras, sound recording equipment, lighting, and video editing, 2018-2019. Where I taught and helped hundreds of undergrad and grad students, and occasionally professors, from different departments.

  • Teaching assistant of "Sonics & Optics" course for professor Jerzy Rose, SAIC, 2020 and 2021.

    • Teaching a workshop on camera and sound as part of the course.​

  • Teaching assistant of "Puppet Animation" course for professor Shelley Lynn Dodson, SAIC, 2020.

  • Teaching assistant of "Writing for Film, Video, and Performance" course for Professor Kerry Richardson, 2019.

  • Teaching assistant of "Lucid Dreaming" course. This was a peculiar film course co-taught by Jesse Ball from the writing department and Thorsten Trimpop from the FVNMA department. SAIC, 2019.

    • Giving an original lecture on "Fantasy, Magic, and Reality in Iranian Literature and Art" as part of the "Lucid Dreaming" course.

  • Teaching assistant of "Experimental Filmmaking" course for professor Thorsten Trimpop, SAIC, 2019.

    • Teaching camera and sound workshops for the "Experimental Filmmaking" course. 

  • Teaching assistant of "Orson Wells" course for professor Johnatan Rosenbaum. SAIC, 2019.

    • Independently teaching three weekly discussion sections, as part of my responsibilities, preparing material for each section. 

  • Teaching assistant of "Directing Actors" course for professor Casey Puccini, SAIC, 2018.

    • Teaching an acting workshop as part of the "Directing Actors" course, where I designed and selected the exercises for the class and guided the students. 

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