Tutor of media center workshops in SAIC, teaching photo and video cameras, sound recording equipment, lighting, and video editing, 2018-2019. Where I taught and helped hundreds of undergrad and grad students, and occasionally professors, from different departments.
Teaching assistant of "Sonics & Optics" course for professor Jerzy Rose, SAIC, 2020 and 2021.
Teaching a workshop on camera and sound as part of the course.
Teaching assistant of "Puppet Animation" course for professor Shelley Lynn Dodson, SAIC, 2020.
Teaching assistant of "Writing for Film, Video, and Performance" course for Professor Kerry Richardson, 2019.
Teaching assistant of "Lucid Dreaming" course. This was a peculiar film course co-taught by Jesse Ball from the writing department and Thorsten Trimpop from the FVNMA department. SAIC, 2019.
Giving an original lecture on "Fantasy, Magic, and Reality in Iranian Literature and Art" as part of the "Lucid Dreaming" course.
Teaching assistant of "Experimental Filmmaking" course for professor Thorsten Trimpop, SAIC, 2019.
Teaching camera and sound workshops for the "Experimental Filmmaking" course.
Teaching assistant of "Orson Wells" course for professor Johnatan Rosenbaum. SAIC, 2019.
Independently teaching three weekly discussion sections, as part of my responsibilities, preparing material for each section.
Teaching assistant of "Directing Actors" course for professor Casey Puccini, SAIC, 2018.
Teaching an acting workshop as part of the "Directing Actors" course, where I designed and selected the exercises for the class and guided the students.